Gulf treasure hunters went looking for gold, found lost military plane

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From Naples News

They sound like treasure hunters. HammerHead. Fiberglass Bob. Caucasian Tim. And they talk like them, too. The grizzled salts and the young ones, too.

I believe the gold’s out there,” said Jake Wicburg, the 14-year-old son of Capt. Tim (not Caucasian Tim) Wicburg.

And is he going to be the one who finds it ? “Oh yeah,” he says.

The plane’s there and the gold’s there,” the elder Wicburg said. “I’ll be looking for it for the rest of my life.

When a young Timmie Wicburg snagged a piece of an airplane on a fish hook in 1990, he had heard the stories. So had his dad, the late Capt. Jim Wicburg.


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