Treasure hunters plunder wrecks

By Ben Langford

Rogue divers are raiding heritage-listed wrecks in Darwin Harbour, regular visitors to the sites said yesterday. 

Local divers said artefacts had been stolen from the RAAF C-47 plane wreck in Fannie Bay. 

Regular diver Peter Darlington dived the wreck recently and said items including a radio, flight gauges and a fire extinguisher had been taken.

An engine and a propeller had also been dislodged.

"Many of the artefacts have been removed and there are signs of extensive damage to the airframe itself," he said.

There are fears that other wrecks in the harbour may have been looted.

Some of the damage to the C-47 appeared to have been done by a large anchor, though anchoring at the site is not allowed.

The raids are recent, probably within the past two months.



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