Discovered: A sunken island, an Indian Ocean Atlantis ?

From Ground Views

Marine archaeologists have just discovered evidence of a large submerged landmass southeast of Sri Lanka. They believe it could be a legendary lost island closely linked to the culture and history of Sri Lankan people.

The discovery was made by a team of Dutch and Sri Lankan scientists based on satellite maps and underwater sample extractions from the deep sea. Preliminary data need to be verified by a deep sea submersible expedition during 2009 - 2010, according to a member of the research team who did not want to be identified.

The landmass is estimated to be between 450,000 and 475,000 square kilometres, which is about seven times the total land area of Sri Lanka.

“This could well be the long lost island of Irisiyawa, which is euphemistically mentioned in our chronicles and hinted at in the writings of Greek historians,” said Dr Godwin Samarawickrama, a maritime historian at the Indian Ocean Institute based in Melacca, Malaysia.

He added: “The existence of such an island has been speculated and talked in hush-hush terms among divers and archaeologists for decades. This is the Indian Ocean’s own version of Atlantis !”

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  • K.Margiani
    • 1. K.Margiani On 12/04/2009
    Atlantis is discovered long ago !
    Global catastrophic plate tectonics 12,500± years’ ego could change isostatic balance between main platforms and slabs. East coastal zone of Northern America and west coastal zone of Africa have been sunken. Simultaneously ten island of Atlantis: Huge Poseidia, two small islands (Pluto, Ammon) and seven smaller Persephone's islands were sunken into the ocean as well !
  • K. Margiani
    • 2. K. Margiani On 05/06/2011
    Sensational news for the mankind and the ground breaking news for the modern Egyptologists !

    Deadlines for the Giza complex (Three pyramids and Sphinx) and other four epochal pyramids!
    Giza Complex 10,400 B.C.
    1. Red Pyramid 30 June 10,172 B.C. (1- st Thoth first epochal heliacal rise of the star Sirius after the global deluge)
    2. Bent Pyramid 3 July 8,699 B.C. ([2 steps] 1- st Thoth Second epochal heliacal rise of the star Sirius after the global deluge)
    3. Meidum Pyramid 6 July 7,226 B.C. ([3 steps] 1- st Thoth Third epochal heliacal rise of the star Sirius after the global deluge)
    4. Step Pyramid 15 July 2,807 B.C. - st Thoth sixth epochal heliacal rise of the star Sirius after the global deluge)

    The Giza complex had been built by survived Atlantians. Using Intellectual and technical forces of the survived colonies the complex was sacred to Atlantis people to revere souls of the people. Using the stellar coordinates of the Sun, Leo and Orion, exact date of the Deluge had been written in the complex. Of course the complex was sacred to last global deluge as well.

    1. Using survived metallic instruments and geo-polymeric technologies Deadline for the Red Pyramid was interrelated to Egyptian epochal new year 1- st Thoth, → first epochal heliacal rise of the star Sirius after the global deluge.

    The pyramid had been built by Intellectual and technical forces of the survived colonies. Red pyramid was sacred to Atlantis people to revere souls of the people.

    2. Using survived metallic instruments and geo-polymeric technologies Deadline for the Bent Pyramid was interrelated to Egyptian epochal new year 1- st Thoth, → second epochal heliacal rise of the star Sirius after the global deluge.

    The pyramid had been built by Intellectual and technical forces of the survived colonies. Bent Pyramid has two steps and was sacred to Atlantis people to revere souls of the people.

    3. Using remaining metallic instruments Deadline for the Meidum Pyramid was interrelated to Egyptian epochal new year 1- st Thoth, Third epochal heliacal rise of the star Sirius after the global deluge.
    The pyramid had been built by Intellectual and technical forces of the survived colonies. Meidum pyramid has three steps and was sacred to Atlantis people to revere souls of the people. Assimilated generation of the Atlantis people because of inter race wedding: kings, territorial rulers, elites, priests, etc worldwide could not save the ancient knowledge and technologies. Using limestone of the huge pre-flood pyramid, Meidum pyramid had built on base of the pre-flood pyramid. Survived base of the pre-flood pyramid has the pre-flood geographical orientations. Meidum pyramid has the modern geographical orientations.

    ------- For millenniums metallic instruments have been eaten by corrosion.
    ------- For millenniums the assimilated generation to primitive aborigines could loss almost all wisdom and technologies.
    ------- For millenniums survived cities built by Atlantians worldwide have been destroyed by wild tribes.

    4. Using new bronze instruments Deadline for the Djoser’s step Pyramid was interrelated to Egyptian epochal new year 1- st Thoth, → Sixth epochal heliacal rise of the star Sirius after the global deluge.
    The pyramid had been built by intellectual and technical forces of the Egyptian people led by elites – assimilated generation of the pre-flood race from Atlantis. The step pyramid has six steps and was sacred to Atlantis people to revere souls of the people.

    The amazing and impressive things made by Atlantians have been discovered in the Djoser’s step pyramid only. The closed (secret) rooms of the Red, Bent, Meidum and the Giza pyramids are awaiting discoverers still. We have the proofs on archaeological working at the dynastic epoch to find the closed secret rooms in the pyramids. Pharaohs were looking for treasures, things, weapons …etc made by Atlantis. We have to replace Djoser’s reign around 2,807 B.C.

    Symbolical meaning of the four epochal pyramids (red, bent, medium and step) is a Garden of Eden → Dim stars under the Orion’s belt. Thus falsifications of the mankind’s History are decoded !
    I’m sure the Falsifiers are “glad” ! Forgotten history on pre-flood empire Atlantis !

    Best wishes
    K. Margiani
    The world’s first expert on Atlantis.

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