
  • Glasgow shipwreck laden with beer

    By Craig Williams - Glasgow Live

    A shipwrecked vessel that left Glasgow and has lain at the bottom of the sea for over 100 years seems an unlikely place for people to visit in search for a beer.

    But that has proved to be the case with the wreckage of The Wallachia, which lies over 30 metres below the sea in the Firth of Clyde off the coast of Wemyss Bay. Website Scottish Shipwrecks notes that the cargo steamer, built in Southampton and launched in 1883, sank after colliding with another vessel in heavy fog in September of 1895, having left Queen’s Dock in Glasgow bound for Trinidad and Demerara.

    Filled with a cargo that included glassware, footwear and earthenware, the William Burrell & Son-owned steamer was also transporting a large amount of gin and whisky, as well as thousands of bottles of beer made by McEwans of Glasgow.

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