UMass Dartmouth, Woods Hole institute study underwater remains of Titanic

By Grant Welker - Wicked Local

A century after the Titanic sank, the shipwreck at the bottom of the Atlantic still has its place in research and academia.

Just last month, researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on Cape Cod released new detailed images of the wreck created during an expedition to create an archaeological map of the site, which can be seen online. One University of Massachusetts Dartmouth program includes a course on the Titanic and another undertakes advanced underwater research.

Robert Ballard, a professor of oceanography at the University of Rhode Island, is well-known as the first to discover the wreckage in 1985. The oceanography program at URI still uses some of the most advanced technology to study the seas.

“All of this kind of came out of the Titanic work that he did,” URI oceanography researcher Dwight Coleman said of Ballard, a colleague for 15 years.

Right now, URI’s oceanography program is working with a National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, vessel in the Gulf of Mexico that is studying ocean ecosystems and how they’re faring two years after the BP oil spill. URI is helping them manage data, run day-to-day operations, and record and broadcast video.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, based in Falmouth, has been a major contributor to what the world knows about the Titanic.

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