Divers recovery body from sunken gold ship, 8 crew still missing

Russian ship missing

From RT

Search and rescue divers have recovered a body from the cargo ship “Amurskaya” that sank in the Sea of Okhotsk at the end of October.

The search continues for 8 crewmen who were on board the freighter carrying 700 tonnes of gold ore.

The ship went down in heavy seas on her way from Kiran to Okhotsk in Russia’s Far East carrying a cargo of gold ore worth an estimated quarter of a million dollars.

It was more than a week before rescuers spotted an oil slick ten miles off shore marking where the vessel went down. The ship was discovered by dive teams from the Emergencies Ministry lying on her port side in 25 metres of water.

An air and sea search was launched looking for the nine man crew despite the extreme weather conditions.

Some experts say the chances of the crew being found alive is now very remote.

“The vessel, quite possibly, sank immediately, which means all crew members remained on board.

The speed with which it sank is attributed to the structure – initially it was a drag-boat which was remade into a cargo vessel,” said Deputy Chairman of the Russian Sailors’ Trade Union, Nikolay Sukhanov.

However others are not giving up hope.

“The storm ladder, absence of people on the bridge, an open door below deck, absence of life rafts all point to the high possibility of the crew attempting to evacuate the sinking vessel,” say representatives of the Federal Agency for River and Marine Transport (Rosmorrechflot).

Russian daily “Komsomolskaya Pravda” quoted one of the relatives of the missing crew, the daughter of Aleksander Stukalov, saying she believes her father is alive: “we believe our father, he’s an experienced sailor, a strong man, he’ll survive.”

A battered life raft was spotted on the coast of an island in the vicinity of the wreck which investigators believe it did come from the freighter.

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Russia gold

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