Naval museum to host program on shipwrecks, underwater exploration

Dr. Mark GleasonPhoto Cory Morse

By Eric Gaertner - Muskegon Chronicle

A two-part program focused on shipwrecks, marine technology, scuba diving and underwater exploration is scheduled for Saturday at the Great Lakes Naval Memorial and Museum, 1346 Bluff.

Workshops on Remotely Operated Vehicles — unmanned, tethered vehicles that explore and work underwater — and four presentations on Great Lakes shipwrecks are planned for the event. 

Mark Gleason, the museum’s chief marine scientist and director of education, said the program is designed to provide the community “a better understanding of the underwater world.”

The program, called Shipwrecks and Robotics in the Great Lakes, is part of the museum’s push to reach out and serve the public.

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Great Lakes museum

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