Salton Sea museum readies for opening

By Denise Goolsby - MyDesert

The Salton Sea History Museum at the historic North Shore Beach & Yacht Club has launched a Web site, in anticipation of the museum's grand opening scheduled for early April.

Jennie Kelly, director of the museum and the East Valley Historical Society, is on the lookout for photos, memorabilia and old newspapers from the area — including the Salton Seafarer, North Shore News, Desert Barnacle — as well as other general history items about east valley historical sites including Desert Beach/Eilers Date Palm Beach, Thermal, Mecca, Oasis and Valerie.

The facility, a 50-year-old Albert Frey-designed building, considered an architectural treasure, is wrapping up a $3.5 million renovation.

When it reopens, it will include a community center, museum and visitors center.

Renovations began in September with a groundbreaking ceremony dedicated to former Riverside County Supervisor Roy Wilson, who died in August.



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