HMS Repulse - Remembered


From Big Blue Tech

Shortly after the outbreak of war in the Pacific on 8 December 1941, the HMS Repulse left Singapore in company with the other major element of the Eastern Fleet, including HMS Prince of Wales, and 4 destroyers, to try and intercept Japanese invasion force heading towards Malaya (Malaysia).

On December 10, 1941, after failing to find any Japanese invasion forces, and turning south, Japanese aircraft were spotted.

The fleet was attacked by 86 Japanese aircraft from the 22nd Air Flotilla based in Saigon, which attacked both HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse.

The HMS Repulse survived a bomb hit and managed to dodge 14 torpedoes before being sunk in 20 minutes after receiving 5 torpedo hits. 327 crew members died in the sinking. Including a young electrician Arthur Frederick Cavell.

On April 30th 2010 technical diving instructor, for Big Blue Tech, Andrew Frederick Cavell joined an expedition to dive on the HMS Repulse.

During his expedition he noticed a similar name and matching surname in the list of sailors who died on during the sinking.

Returning home to Thailand Andrew researched and discovered his great uncle was a serving member of the HMS Repulse and in fact is the same sailor who’s name he saw on the expedition. Andrew had no idea he had been diving on a wreck that was resting place for someone related.


warship Indonesia Singapore

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