Is this the hiding place of the Mahogany ship ?

Rob in the middle of the marked out hull area 
Photo Jeremy Lee

By Jeremy Lee - ABC News

Rob Simpson is certain he knows where the fabled Mahogany ship is buried.

The search for the Mahogany ship has been the subject of much discussion over the years with many people putting forward theories about what it might've been and where it might be buried.

The story has intrigued Melbourne based amateur archaeologist Rob Simpson who's spent a lot of time reading the literature relating to the ship and using the various reported sightings to try and pinpoint the exact location.

The co-ordinates noted by 19th century local resident Alexander Rollo have been particularly useful in Rob's research, and after applying Rollo's measurements to a Google Earth image of the area a couple of years ago, Rob was surprised to see the outline of what looked very much like a ship.

As he explains, the idea of aerial archaeology is to identify buried remains through observing how the vegetation and other landmarks appear from the air - the technique has apparently been used to uncover ruins in Rome and elsewhere.

In this case there certainly seems to be a clear correlation between the coordinates and the outline vaguely visible from the Google Earth image.

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