Will sea wall work reveal Roman wreck ?

Could a Roman shipwreck be under the line of the proposed new sea wall ?

By Janis Blower - The Jarrow & Hebburn Gazette

Its fort is such a powerful image associated with the Romans in Shields that you tend to forget that they must have had a life outside its walls.

In fact you can wonder what their points of reference were for things like romantic assignations, healthful walks – I don’t know, even the Roman equivalent of smoking behind the bike sheds.

Because in reality, their comings and goings spilled over to embrace a wide area.

This included the sea front, and it can’t have been just my antenna that was piqued when it was mentioned the other day that work on the new sea wall at Littlehaven beach will be preceded by archaeological marking of a known shipwreck there. Really ? What ship ?

Roman bits and pieces have been turning up on the little North Beach for years.

It’s a subject of special interest to Paul Bidwell, Tyne and Wear Museums’ Head of Archeology.

It seems that the shipwreck is probably one on the Herd Sand.

Paul, who drew together all the finds that have been made since the 1860s and published them in the Arbeia Journal in 2001, told me: “The conclusion was that this was a wreck from the AD 180s which seems to have been carrying reinforcements from the Continent to deal with a war in northern Britain.

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