Treasure hunter denies search off Dominican coast is halted

From Dominican Today

The famed treasure salvage expert Burt Webber Jr refutes reports that his current project within Dominican territorial waters has encountered friction with the Government in his ongoing operation in the Silver Banks protected area, as Dominican Today published recently.

The treasure hunter also specifies that his current venture seeks to recover artifacts on the sunken Spanish galleon "Solo Dios Gloria" and not the French "Scipion" as the article states.

Webber, who contacted DT just days after the article "Doubts surface as treasure hunter hits it big off Dominican Republic” was published, notes that he’s been conducting salvage operations in the country for 32 years, during which he has “had no problem with any Dominican governmental agency.”

In that regard, the Culture Ministry’s Sub-aquatic Patrimony Office director Wilfredo Feliz on Tuesday confirmed Webber’s assertion that the salvage work continues, and that the agreement to search for the artifacts is in effect.

“There’s a contract between the Dominican Government and Webber’s venture which is in effect, he has the concession for his operations to go about his work.”


galleon Dominican Republic treasure hunter

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