Old ship gives up treasures in Cyprus

From Famagusta Gazette

The first amphorae from a 4th century BC ship have been brought to the surface by a team of Cypriot experts.

It is believed that the commercial vessel, possibly carrying wine from the Greek island of Chios, sunk off Cyprus’ southern coast. It is said to have been carrying about 500 amphorae.

Dr. Stella Demesticha, Visiting Lecturer of Underwater Archaeology at the University of Cyprus, in charge of the research programme, has said that the wreck lies at a depth of 45 metres and the apmphorae had to be brought to the surface for study.

We cannot be sure of its journey, nor of its destination but we believe it has passed by Chios and other islands in the Aegean around the middle of the 4th century BC and then arrived in Cyprus, she explained.

She noted that so far scientists have not located anything else in the shipwreck except amphorae, adding that the shipwreck is under guard.

Wine from Chios was believed to be of excellent quality. Of course no wine has been found but we are almost certain that the amphorae were filled with this very good quality red wine, she said.

Greece archaeology wine Cyprus

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