Sunken treasure off Alicante

From Typically Spanish

A documentary is being filmed of a German U-boat sunk off Calpe in 1943 which could contain a treasure of gold bars

The Spanish film-maker, Fernando Navarrete, is currently shooting a documentary on the fate of the German U-77 Type VIIC submarine which was sunk 9 miles off the coast of Calpe by British aircraft based in Gibraltar on 28th March 1943.

36 of the crew died, two were never found and another 9 were rescued by local fishermen.

It lies at a depth of more than 80 metres, with rumours that it may contain gold bars belonging to Field Marshall Rommell or Adolf Hitler.

There is even some doubt, El País reports, over how it met its fate, and whether the commandant, whose body was never found, could have been involved in the sinking.




submarine Spain treasure

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