Sunken WWII sub located off Maine coast

Maine coast

From 7 News


After three years, a man who works at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard has found a submarine sunk off the Maine coast by the Navy during World War II for training purposes.

Joe Cushing - who lives in Strafford, N.H., - won't disclose the sub's exact location, but says it's about 12 miles at sea from Portland, Maine. 

"It was a good find," he said. "We are excited to have finally located the thing.

After you look for something for three years and you made a bunch of dives and you finally locate it, that's a great moment."

Cushing says the sub - called "S-21" - was used by the Navy to train pilots and destroyer crews to detect enemy submarines.

He started his search in federal archives, and later learned that a salvager had found the sub in the 1960s but quit after one of his divers got killed.



Portsmouth WW II

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