Loss of an Indian treasure fleet

Loss of a fleet of treasure ships

from various printed sources - Pascal Kainic

Calcutta - 6th Juin 1815

We regret to hear of the disaster which occurred on the 24th ultimo, near Monghyr, to a fleet of boats coming down to the Presidency, with 25 lacs of Ruppees, accompanied by 600 men of the European regiment, and many officers, under the command of captain Aurial.

They were overtaken by a severe storm, and out of 15 boats, which contained the treasure, we regret to hear that only two weathered the storm. 13 boats were lost with 50 boats of the European regiment, two pinnaces, and several budgerows belonging to the officers.

They were dashed to pieces on a rocky bank. The Europeans are nearly all naked and destitute, having lost their clothes and furniture. We lament to add that six Europeans and one woman were drownded on this melancholy occasion. The treasure was conveyed in safety to Monghir...


Dans la tempête

Watercolour of a river scene on the Ganges river at Buxar by Sita Ram
- Collection British Library -

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