Merchant and warships bullions transports during WWII

A selected list of bullion transports
from Russia during World War II
from the PRO in London and compiled by Pascal Kainic

HMS Adventure 06/08/1941 2 boxes of platinum
HMS Cheschire 27/09/1941 3 parcels of diamonds (75 kgs)
HMS Cecilia 04/10/1941 3 parcels of diamonds (75 kgs)
HMS Eagle 05/10/1941 3 parcels of diamonds (75 kgs)
HMS Suffolk 14/10/1941 10 tons of gold bullion
HMS Hawkins 26/11/1941 3 parcels of diamonds (75 kgs) + £ 3M bullion
HMS Dauntless 19/01/1942 1 parcels of diamonds + £ 3M bullion
HMS Cairo 18/02/1942 200 boxes of gold
HMS Ajax 06/04/1942 2 parcels of diamonds
HMS Abdiel 28/06/1942 442 boxes of gold bars
HMS Georgetown 20/08/1942 11 chests of valuables
 Narkomvneshtorg 14/03/1942 10 tons of gold
HMS Menja 24/03/1942 10 tons of gold
HMS Churchill 09/04/1942 10 tons of gold
HMS Harvester 25/03/1942 99 boxes of gold
HMS Somali 18/05/1942 28 boxes of gold
Philadelphian 16/07/1942 Bullions
HMS Liverpool 12/04/1942 21 tons of gold in 349 boxes
HMS Edimburgh 29/04/1942 5½ tons of gold in 93 boxes
Alymbank 28/06/1942 1539 boxes of bullions + 120 tons of silver
HMS Inglefield 27/06/1942 1½ tons of gold in 28 boxes
HMS Intrepid 07/07/1942 500 gold sovereigns
HMS Pelican 13/10/1943 Bullions
HMS Jed 15/10/1943 51 boxes of bullions
HMS Rother 15/10/1943 51 boxes of bullions
HMS Everlade 15/10/1943 51 boxes of bullions
HMS Wolwerine 15/12/1943 63 boxes of bullions
HMS Arethuse 23/12/1943 643 gold bars (263/184 troy ounces)
HMS Bellwort 14/01/1944 37 boxes of bullions
HMS Prince Robert 02/02/1944 63 boxes of bullions
HMS Aberdeen 04/04/1944 44 boxes of bullions
HMS Diadem 10/04/1944 20.000 ounces of platinum
HMS Indomptable 21/04/1944 20 tons of gold in bars
HMS Prince Robert 22/05/1944 67 boxes of bullions + 3 chests of valuables
HMS Exe 09/06/1944 70 boxes of bullions
Kilmartin 12/06/1944 20 boxes of Polish gold
Sandwich 12/06/1944 20 boxes of Polish gold
Leith 12/06/1944 30 boxes of Polish gold
Khandalia 04/03/1944 37 boxes of bullions 
Easten Prince 15/07/1944 125 boxes of bullions from Takoradi
Khandalia 26 /09/ 1944 37 boxes of bullions
Cowslip 04/03/1944 130 boxes of bullions
Black Prince 08/03/1944 10½ tons of bullions
St. Ninian 08/03/1944 10½ tons of bullions
Kilmarton 31/08/1944 20 boxes of Polish gold
Shirala 13/06/1944 76 parcels of £ 460.716
Cotton 21/06/1944 35 boxes of bullions
Gardiner 21/06/1944 35 boxes of bullions
Flint Castle 21/06/1944 40 boxes of bullions
Rushen Castle 28/06/1944 40 boxes of bullions + 3 parcels of valuables
Karagola 13/06/1944 73 parcels of £ 484.065
Lowesoft 01/07/1944 112 boxes of bullions
Kilvide 02/07/1944 10 boxes of bullions
Odzani 02/07/1944 30 boxes of bullions
Aire 02/07/1944 30 boxes of bullions
Kutsaing 12/07/1944 74 parcels of bullions
Kandhalia 25/07/1944 71 parcels of bullions
Hadleigh Castle 25/07/1944 10 boxes of bullions
Odzani 10/08/1944 25 boxes of Polish gold
Aire 10/08/1944 25 boxes of Polish gold
Ballinderry 18/08/1944 30 boxes of Polish gold
Leith 31 /08/ 1944 30 boxes of Polish gold
Inner 18/08/1944 20 boxes of Polish gold
Kilmelford 18/08/1944 20 boxes of Polish gold
HMS Foley 27/06/1944 20 boxes of bullions
HMS Elmsdale 25/04/1945 447 boxes of gold
Kilmarnoch 31/08/1944 20 boxes of Polish gold
Amaranthus 31/08/1944 50 boxes of Polish gold
Hadleigh Castle 31/08/1944 50 boxes of Polish gold
Amaranthus 01/09/1944 20 boxes of Polish gold
Ascension 01/09/1944 25 boxes of Polish gold
Goodall 01/09/1944 25 boxes of Polish gold
Nairana 12/09/1944 92 boxes of bullions + Valuables
Amaranthus 31/08/1944 50 boxes of Polish gold
hadleigh Castle 01/09/1944 20 boxes of Polish gold
Ascension 01/09/1944 25 boxes of Polish gold
Goodall 01/09/1944 25 boxes of Polish gold
Nairana 12/09/1944 92 boxes of bullions + valuables
Prince Ruppert 13/09/1944 40 boxes of bullions
HMS Ettrick 13/09/1944 40 boxes of bullions
Thomas 13/09/1944 24 boxes of bullions + 10 chests of valuables
Forest Hill 13/09/1944 23 boxes of bullions + 9 chests of valuables
Morpeth Castle 20/09/1944 20 boxes of bullions
Oxford Castle 20/09/1944 20 boxes of bullions
Cotton 20/09/1944 30 boxes of bullions
HMS Rotter 24/09/1944 50 boxes of Polish gold
Kilmerfort 28/09/1944 23 boxes of gold
Inner 28/09/1944 24 boxes of gold
Enchantress 10/10/1944 14 boxes of gold
Kilmarnoch 10/10/1944 14 boxes of gold
Kilmartin 10/10/1944 14 boxes of gold
Rajah 26/10/1944 2 boxes of bullions (6 tons)
Tortola 29/10/1944 28 boxes of gold
Bahamas 29/10/1944 14 boxes of gold
Mauretania 22/05/1945 298 boxes of gold (£ 2.500.000)
Blankney 10/10/1945 144 boxes of gold (£ 1.000.000)
Maidstone 10/10/1945 450 boxes of gold (£ 3.000.000)
Newcastle 24/11/1945 432 boxes of gold (£ 3.000.000)
Trouncer 28/11/1945 433 boxes of gold (£ 3.000.000)
Enterprise 31/12/1945 434 boxes of gold (£ 3.000.000)
Unicorn 31/12/1945 432 boxes of gold (£ 3.000.000)


  • Damon
    • 1. Damon On 13/11/2022
    only HMS Edimburgh (blue) sunk, other were only in voyage with this cargo
  • Andy - a grandson of the Master of the Aire
    • 2. Andy - a grandson of the Master of the Aire On 02/05/2010
    Mostly they didn't sink - at least during the documented voyages.
    The Aire, for example, was still working into the 1960s.
  • Ralph Sharpe
    • 3. Ralph Sharpe On 16/03/2009
    Where did all those ships sink ?????????
    • 4. TIM SHERRILL On 21/02/2009

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