PRECIOUS OLD NEWS I (July 1932 - June 2005)

A selection of old news and articles on Shipwrecks,
U/W Archaeology, Treasure recoveries &tc...

(Regularly updated... More than 300 exclusive stories
to keep you informed !)


Archives       (Part I)
    (To see the full articles, click on the steering wheel icons)

barre Search on for secret of Greek sea battle - June 2005

barre Global Marine Ltd. to sell recovered shipwreck artifacts - June 2005

barre Shipwreck found in Missouri River - Dec. 2004

barre The shipwreck tragedy of the A.R.A Fournier - Nov. 2004

barre Irish shipwrecks studied in new book - Nov. 2004

barre Shipwrecks around States Island South Atlantic, Argentina - Nov. 2004

barre The Phoenix Steamboat - Shipwreck Discovered - Nov. 2004

barre Black Sea slowly gives up ancient secrets - Oct. 2004

barre 1822 letter describes shipwreck - Oct. 2004

barre 182-year-old shipwrecks possibly found - Sept. 2004

barre Laboratory brings shipwreck relics to Indiana University - Sept. 2004

barre Shipwreck salvors see treasure for the taking - Sept. 2004

barre In the land of fire, a shipwreck story - Sept. 2004

barre Artifacts tell the tale of 1850 shipwreck - Aug. 2004

barre In shipwrecks, new clues to a buried past - July 2004

barre Shipwreck pays tribute to 278 sunken ships - July 2004

barre Surviving the Titanic, Argentina way - July 2004

barre Explorers search for slave shipwreck off Florida - July 2004

barre Sunken treasure brings tidal wave of trouble - June 2004

barre Portuguese shipwreck a real treasure - May 2004

barre Sailing the Cinnamon Route - March 2004

barre 400-year-old treasure - Feb. 2004

barre Bid to find lost Persian armada - Jan. 2004

barre Shipwreck gold found off U.S.—Worth $180,000,000 ? - Dec. 2003

barre Historic Hawai'i wreck found - Oct. 2003

barre Wreck adventurer's fiction revealed as true after 270 years - Oct. 2003

barre Cold war spy plane found in Baltic Sea - Oct. 2003

barre Gold rush-era shipwreck on Northern California coast - Aug. 2003

barre Mary Rose divers' exciting find - Aug. 2003

barre MIT - shipwrecks in deep seas - July 2003

barre India's underwater heritage - May 2003

barre Treasures under the sea - March 2003

barre Remembering Great Lakes marine disasters - Feb. 2003

barre Greece guards sunken treasures - Feb. 2003

barre Ancient Greek wreck found in Black Sea - Jan. 2003

barre Bones unearthed at medieval ship site - Dec. 2002

barre New submarine discoveries spark interest in submerged cities - Dec. 2002

barre Shipwreck census - Nov. 2002

barre Wreck adventurer's fiction revealed as true after 270 years - Oct. 2002

barre The shipwrecks of Astypalaia give up their treasure troves - Oct. 2002

barre Finding shipwrecks and then putting them online - Sept. 2002

barre Gun turret of Civil War shipwreck raised from ocean floor - Aug. 2002

barre 2,000-year old ship's discovery - Aug. 2002

barre 'Wrecked British ship' found off India - June 2002

barre Is it JFK's PT 109 ? - May 2002

barre The tanks that didn't land on D-Day - May 2002

barre Sunken mystery ship may give up secrets - May 2002

barre A 200-year-old gift from under the sea - Apr. 2002

barre A new theory puts Chinese fleet ahead of Columbus - March. 2002

barre X-ray analysis may help conservators save waterlogged artifacts - Feb. 2002

barre British wreck off Gibraltar may hold £2.5bn of gold - Feb. 2002

barre The Water Witch of Lake Champlain - Oct. 2001

barre Roman shipwrecks from the wine. Dark Sea - Oct. 2001

barre Wisconsin shipwrecks: finders keepers ? - Sept. 2001

barre Steamship Champlain - Aug. 2001

barre Wartime shipwrecks are surveyed - June 2001

barre Great Lakes treasure ship found - June 2001

barre Treasure hunt on Christmas ship - May 2001

barre Explorers discover deepest ancient shipwreck - Apr. 2001

barre An ancient wreck, clues to seafaring lives - March 2001

barre Gold bars and a battle over authenticity - March 2001

barre Artificial reefs: trash to treasure - Feb. 2001

barre Landlocked shipwrecks - Jan. 2001

barre Le mystère Lapérouse demeure - Jan. 2001

barre Mystery shipwreck set to reveal its secrets - Nov. 2000

barre Le "chasseur d'épaves" hante les cimetières marins - Nov. 2000

barre About intruders at wreck of Edmund Fitzgerald - Nov. 2000

barre 1,500-year-old ship is found off coast of Turkey - Nov. 2000

barre Diving for Diamonds - Sept. 2000

barre Key Shipwreck Actions in Norfolk - Aug. 2000

barre Court ruling on Spanish frigates - July 2000

barre Legendary shipwreck reveals treasure trove - July 2000

barre Investor trips up treasure hunter - Jan. 2000

barre Mysteries of La Belle - Nov. 1999

barre Shareholders want change at RMS Titanic - Nov. 1999

barre Clearer water reveals sunken ships - Sept. 1999

barre The urban deep - Aug. 1999

barre Steal cannons from St. Augustine shipwreck - Aug. 1999

barre Seahenge gives up its secrets - July 1999

barre MIT helps map ancient Phoenician shipwrecks - July 1999

barre Old shipwreck found off Israel - July 1999

barre 1492: The Prequel - June 1999

barre Due 'Titanic' fenici in fondo al Mediterraneo - June 1999

barre The lost sub is found, and Israelis can grieve - May 1999

barre 'Seahenge' moves on - May 1999

barre Undersea treasure chest stirs up tensions - Apr. 1999

barre Firm to keep most of shipwreck’s Coins - March 1999

barre Mel Fisher, 76, a treasure hunter who got rich undersea - Dec. 1998

barre Possible shipwreck on submerged land - Dec. 1998

barre Chasseurs de trésors se bousculent au large de La Ciotat - Nov. 1998

barre Hunter admits sale of fake gold coins - Nov. 1998

barre When treasure and technology meet, who gets the gold ? - Nov. 1998

barre On the trail of treasure and tragedy in lakes' depths - Nov. 1998

barre Shipwreck of lost 'Sea People' found - Oct. 1998

barre Shipwreck - treasure hunters vs. archaeologists - Oct. 1998

barre A tale of treasure hunting gone awry - Oct. 1998

barre Deep-sea clues to an ancient culture discovered - Oct. 1998

barre Explorer revels in wreck-seeking - July 1998

barre Titanic sightseeing trip is barred by U.S. judge - June 1998

barre Sunken treasure's sinking fortunes - June 1998

barre Croatia resurfacing after a long dive - May 1998

barre Battle likely over visits to Titanic wreckage - May 1998

barre Brother Jonathan - Supreme Court of the United States - April 1998

barre Freshwater finds - Jan. 1998

barre Supreme Court takes up sunken treasure case - Dec. 1997

barre Florida treasure hunters fined - Dec. 1997

barre In shipwreck linked to pirate - Nov. 1997

barre Michigan law limits photos of remains - Oct. 1997

barre Mindell has role in ancient shipwreck discovery - Sept. 1997

barre Old logs deep in a lake become a sunken treasure - Sept. 1997

barre Treasure hunters fined for destroying sea grass in Florida - Aug. 1997

barre Roman ships found off Sicily - July 1997

barre Team uses sub, robot to recover ancient shipwreck ruins - July 1997

barre Viking ship in Russian waters - July 1997

barre Lake yields a Benedict Arnold gunboat - July 1997

barre Search for a galleon off Ecuador yields a ship and a dispute - Apr. 1997

barre Classical pirates made new in a Swashbuckling revival - Apr. 1997

barre Iron age shipwrecks in deep water off Ashkelon, Israel - 1997

barre Timber clues to Severn shipwreck's stormy end - Dec. 1996

barre Mystery shipwreck lost in Old Lyme - Nov. 1996

barre The 1996 Anguilla shipwreck survey - Sept. 1996

barre Treasure hunters seek gold off Cape Verde - March 1996

barre Is 1865 wreck a sunken treasure or a time capsule ? - March 1996

barre The treasure hunters - Winter 1995

barre The Azores to yield shipwrecked riches - Jun. 1995

barre Secret sub to scan sea floor for Roman wrecks - Feb. 1995

barre Old shipwreck goes into prospective custody - Dec. 1994

barre Le trésor de l'île Fortune - Sept. 1994

barre Robert Ballard 20,000 bytes under the sea - Aug. 1994

barre 1784 Spanish found in the gulf - Dec. 1993

barre Rights granted for salvage of Andrea Doria - Dec. 1993

barre Items on Titanic brought to U.S. - Jul. 1993

barre Ancient Greek shipwreck found - Apr. 1993

barre Shipwreck prompts fancy footwork on current theories - Oct. 1992

barre Insurers to share shipwreck's gold - Aug. 1992

barre The hidden museums of the Mediterranean sea - Oct. 1990

barre The rise of underwater archaeology - Aug. 1990

barre Pastimes; Coins - Dec. 1989

barre Diver battles Illinois over 2 lake Michigan wrecks - Oct. 1989

barre Peter Throckmorton dies at 61 - June 1989

barre A diver's map of Bermuda: here there be treasures - March 1989

barre Shipwreck salvors snubbed by peers - Dec. 1988

barre Westchester guide - Nov. 1988

barre 1800's Turkish treasure ship found by Greeks in Aegean - May 1988

barre The amphora war, looting of ancient shipwrecks is widespread - Nov. 1987

barre Shipwrecks pose a problem for state - May 1987

barre States pursue sunken loot, real and archaeological - Apr. 1987

barre The Fraud of the San Lorenzo - July 1977


  • Niels
    • 1. Niels On 23/11/2008
    Waoaah ! What a collection of news you gathered here... That's cool ! You must have spend a lot of time to find all this. I am impressed !!!

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