Jap Naval Force Bombed, Rabaul 1944/4/10

1) Rout Jap Naval Force "Rabaul Harbor: Marvelous air pictures of a trim Jap cruiser getting the 'setting sun' bombed out of it. Our attacking plane knocks the wing off of a Jap fighter plane, then the Nip cruiser below is mercilessly attacked with high explosive bombs. We see hits and near hits, and leave the spoiled sea beauty, wreathed in smoke." 4. "Movies in War Bond Drive
2) Movie Report On 4th Loan "NYC: Sec. Henry Morgenthau, Jr. accepts giant record book from Charles Skouras, Movie Magnate who directed the Motion Picture Industry's 4th War Loan Drive to success. Book gives graphic record of the entire drive."
3) Easy On The Eyes (Exclusive) "College Inn, Chicago: Stunning girls delightfully pose in latest type bathing suits, divided into two pieces. A flash-back reveals early 20th century bathing beauties, buttoned up from chin to shoe tops. Hidden or exposed, there is an abundance of allure, in both cases."

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