Underwater Archaeology
2009 Battle of the Atlantic Expedition
During the summer of 2009, an underwater archaeological survey was performed on the HMT Bedfordshire, a converted British trawler sunk in 1942 by the German ... -
2011 Field Season: Dr. Adrian Anastasi
As part of the Albanian Coastal Survey 2011 Field Season, Dr. Adrian Anastasi from the Albanian Institute of Archaeology surveys one of the ancient wreck ... -
A-Z of Archaeology: 'U - Underwater Archaeology'
Welcome to the A-Z of Archaeology! In this series we take a look at the world of Archaeology, employing the alphabet as our guide. -
Anchar watch on a wrist of Greek archeologist on a 30m depth
The first Anchar watches were successfully tested during excavations of a Late Bronze shipwreck in a 30 meters depth in Mediterranean Sea near Greek Island ... -
Ancient Wreck
This Roman cargo ship was carrying over 2,000 amphorae, used for wine, oil, and grains. From the 2nd century BC, its deepwater location is challenging ... -
Antikythera mechanism working model
Curator Michael Wright shows off his model of the Antikythera mechanism. The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient Greek clockwork machine found in a shipwreck, ... -
Antikythera shipwreck
The Antikythera shipwreck, the whole history of discoveries, with the significant findings." -
Batavia Shipwreck
A brief history lesson about the Batavia, flagship for the VOC in 1629 wrecked at the Abrolhos Islands in Western Australia. -
Big Story: Legendary shipwreck discovered
(Boston Globe) Scientists discover wrecked ship linked to the tale of Moby Dick -
Danaos Project 2008
Ceramic fragments of what appear to be body and neck elements of a larger vessel. -
Diving on an ancient Greek shipwreck (~ 100 BC)
An ancient (~ 100 BC) Greek shipwreck at the southwest coast of Peloponnese, Greece. It was a merchant ship full of urns, which by now have turned to a ... -
Diving to the Slave Ship Henrietta Marie Monument
The Henrietta Marie was a London-based, English slave ship wrecked in 1700 at New Ground Reef, 35 miles west of Key West, Florida. The shipwreck was discovered ... -
ECU Maritime Studies Field School and Corolla Shipwreck
UNC-CSI is assisting with ECU's 2010 Maritime Studies Field School. During the 4 week course, graduate students in Maritime History and Underwater Archaeology ... -
Factors impacting underwater cultural heritage
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage (2001), UNESCO prepares a scientific colloquium ... -
Fouilles sous-marines Verdon 2009
Fouilles archéologiques sous-marines sur l'épave dit du Verdon, plage de la Couronne (13) stage de fouilles du 18/04 au 1er mai 2009.DRASSM. -
IMH Underwater Archaeology Field School Topside
Institute of Maritime History underwater archaeology on Roper -
Importance of Corolla Shipwreck Discovery
Director of Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum and Head of North Carolina Department of Cultural resources Underwater Archaeology discuss the wide ranging ... -
In Pursuit Of Lost Time
Documentary about the shipwreck excavations along the Agean-Mediterranean coasts and the foundation of Nautical Archaeology in Turkey, after the initial ... -
Institute of Maritime History archaeological survey of U-1105 wreck
Institute of Maritime History underwater archaeology August 2009 field school survey of the U-1105 wreck in the Potomac River off Piney Point. This video ... -
Institute of Maritime History survey of "lunchbucket" wreck
Institute of Maritime History Underwater Archaeology August 2009 field class survey of the "lunchbucket" wreck off Tall Timbers, MD -
Institute of Maritime History survey of the civil war wreck CSS Favorite
IMH survey taken in August 09 of this wreck of a civil war Confederate coal carrier (two-masted sloop?) Favorite that was burned to the waterline and sunk ... -
Khubilai Khan's Lost Fleet
Maritime archaeologist Jim Delgado, president of the Institute of Nautical Archaeology at Texas A&M University, entertains with tales of his underwater ... -
Lion Wreck
Ett intakt flöjtskepp från 1600- talet har påträffats i Stockholms skärgård. Fartyget är rikligt utsmyckat med sniderier och har av upptäckarna döpt till ... -
Lost Ships A Quest 2001 Part 2 of 2
INA is the ONLY international organization of its kind that can work globally, to locate, document, excavate and preserve significant underwater and nautical ... -
Mapping and surveying the Corolla wreck
UNC-CSI is assisting with ECU's 2010 Maritime Studies Field School. During the 4 week course, graduate students in Maritime History and Underwater Archaeology ... -
Maritime Archaeology - Marlon Pestana
Hello everyone! This is my new video. I hope you like it. I've been in the open seas for a few days working with maritime archaeology. And I bringo for ... -
My Alexandria Part 4 Diving in Alexandria
Underwater tour in eastern harbour Alexandria Egypt, to see Cleopatra Palace & Alexandria Lighthouse. -
NAS Intro and Part 1 Brockville 2009
Some video from a Nautical Archaeology Society; Intro and Part 1 to Underwater and Foreshore Archaeology Class. -
Nautical Archaeology Texas A&M University
The Nautical Archaeology Program of the Anthropology Department at Texas A&M University specializes in training graduate students in the archaeology and ... -
Race to preserve the world's oldest submerged town - Part 1
Part 1 - Getting started. In this video join Underwater Archaeologist Dr Jon Henderson, as he embarks on a race to save an ancient submerged Greek tow ... -
Race to preserve the world's oldest submerged town - Part 2
Underwater archaeologists surveying the worlds oldest submerged town have found ceramics dating back to the early Bronze Age. This suggests that Pavlopetri, ... -
Raising the Storm Cauldron
FPAN staff had a front row seat at the raising of a cauldron off an 18th century shipwreck! Watch archaeologist Chuck Meide and his staff from the Lighthouse ... -
Roman wreck dive
Roman ship wreck dive, from 2nd century B.C. -
San Francisco Port of Gold
Maritime archaeologist Jim Delgado, president of the Institute of Nautical Archaeology at Texas A&M University, tells of discoveries at the lost gold rush ... -
Saving Underwater Cultural Heritage in Asia and Pacific
URL: http://www.unescobkk.org/culture/our-projects/underwater-cultural-heritage-movable-heritage-and-museums/underwater-cultural-heritage-in-asia-paci ... -
Schooner Northerner
A team of 10 underwater archaeologists shared their findings during a week-long exploration of a historic shipwreck at an open house on July 30, 2009, ... -
Shipwrecks of the Black Sea
Find out why ancient shipwrecks remain preserved and intact in the basement of the Black Sea unlike any other place in the world. Travel deep into the ... -
Slave Ship Henrietta Marie
Artifacts and replicas from the sunken slave ship Henrietta Marie are hosted at UTPA's Visitor Center. -
Sunken ruins of Cleopatra's palace. 1/5
Plunging into the waters off Alexandria Tuesday, divers explored the submerged ruins of a palace and temple complex from which Cleopatra ruled, swimming ... -
Sunken ruins of Cleopatra's palace. 2/5
Plunging into the waters off Alexandria Tuesday, divers explored the submerged ruins of a palace and temple complex from which Cleopatra ruled, swimming ... -
Sunken ruins of Cleopatra's palace. 3/5
Plunging into the waters off Alexandria Tuesday, divers explored the submerged ruins of a palace and temple complex from which Cleopatra ruled, swimming ... -
Sweden’s Vasa Warship
Discover the fascinating story of Sweden’s legendary sunken warship, the Vasa " -
The Archaeology of a 16th Century Shipwreck Part 1.1
An unidentified 16th century shipwreck was discovered on the Little Bahama Bank in 1991. Questions abounded. Was it one of Columbus ships? Was it carrying ... -
The Archaeology of a 16th Century Shipwreck Part 1.2
An unidentified 16th century shipwreck was discovered on the Little Bahama Bank in 1991. Questions abounded. Was it one of Columbus ships? Was it carrying ... -
The Archaeology of a 16th Century Shipwreck Part 1.3
An unidentified 16th century shipwreck was discovered on the Little Bahama Bank in 1991. Questions abounded. Was it one of Columbus ships? Was it carrying ... -
The Archaeology of a 16th Century Shipwreck Part 1.4
An unidentified 16th century shipwreck was discovered on the Little Bahama Bank in 1991. Questions abounded. Was it one of Columbus ships? Was it carrying ... -
The Archaeology of a 16th Century Shipwreck Pt 2.1
The conservation techniques used to clean and stabilize artifacts recovered from a 16th century shipwreck are explored in the 2nd part of this series. ... -
The Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archaeology and The Bodrum Castle
In this video, The Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archaeology and The Bodrum Castle are intruduced. -
The Roman Column Wreck at Kizilburun, Turkey - 2005 Season - Part 1
The Roman emperor Augustus claimed to have found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of marble. Indeed, the remains of more than a dozen stone cargoes ... -
The Roman Column Wreck at Kizilburun, Turkey - 2005 Season - Part 2
The Roman emperor Augustus claimed to have found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of marble. Indeed, the remains of more than a dozen stone cargoes ... -
The Story of the Jesus Boat, Part I
This is the exciting and inspirational story of the discovery, excavation and conservation of the Ancient Galilee Boat, known as the celebrated Jesus Boat. ... -
The Story of the Jesus Boat, Part II
This is the exciting and inspirational story of the discovery, excavation and conservation of the Ancient Galilee Boat, known as the celebrated Jesus Boat. ... -
Toefl Listening Practice
Questions: 3. What does this lecture mainly concern? a) The archaeological record found in New England shipwrecks b) The rules for a game that the students ... -
Turkey's Underwater Treasures
Oguz Aydemir, board member, Institute of Nautical Archaeology, discusss his efforts to promote underwater exploration off the coast of Turkey. -
Underwater archaeology
One of the most notable objectives in the field of underwater archeology is the location and the excavation of Eliki, the ancient Achaean City. -
Underwater Archaeology Techniques on the CITY OF WASHINGTON Shipwreck
The CITY OF WASHINGTON shipwreck sunk at Elbow Reef. -
Underwater Archaeology: Excavating the Nile with Dr Hawass
Dr Zahi Hawass examines some of the finds being excavated from the bottom of the River Nile near Aswan, explaining that the river was used as a trade route, ... -
Underwater Archeology
Diving the Carthaginian wreck of lahaina,maui while a submarine comes down. -
UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Heritage
sets out basic principles for the protection of underwater cultural heritage; provides a detailed State cooperation system; and provides widely recognized ... -
Waitt Expedition: Submarine Explorer
In 2008, the Waitt Institute for Discovery partnered with the Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA) and the Instituto Nacional de Cultura de Panama (INAC) ... -
Waitt Expeditions: Ionian Sea, Albania
The Waitt Institute for Discovery took part in a two-week exploratory expedition off the coast of southern Albania in August of 2008. The Waitt Institute's ... -
What is Maritime Archaeology?
Chuck Meide from the Lighthouse Archaeology Maritime Program discusses doing work underwater. -
Wooden bones
There is a graveyard on the bottom of Lake George, New York, cultural resources from the French & Indian War (1755-1763). These skeletons are the remains ... -
Wreck of the Mars
This wreck, probably the 16th century Swedish warship Mars, was discovered in the Baltic Sea during the summer. For complete information, don't miss ...